Archive for the ‘women issues’ Tag

I am officially Fibroid free!   Leave a comment

That’s right, no more fibroids in this Uterus!

If you have or ever had a fibroid, then you probably know how problematic they can be depending on the size and location.

In case you’re not familiar, a fibroid is benign tumors that usually grows in or around the uterus.  A condition found mostly in African/American and Asian women.  Problems can range from very heavy and painful menstrual periods, enlarged stomach and even fertility issues including miscarriages.  

So you can understand how excited and relieved I am to be free of them!  I can’t wait to share my journey .

One of the original reasons this blog was started was to document me and my friend’s journey of trying to naturally shrink our fibroids.  I became an herbalist and a vegan during this process.

Details of my journey coming soon in an e-book.  Be sure we have your email to keep you updated!

In the mean time, feel free to contact me directly for the inside scope at: